When does the weekly market take place in Merano?
Large weekly market in Merano
- Every Friday from 08:00 to 13:00.
- Clothes, shoes, leather goods, plants, food such as bread, sausages, cheese, fish, fruit, vegetables, etc.
- At Praderplatz, Andreas-Hofer-Straße, along Meinhardstraße to the Otto-Huber-Straße.
Small weekly market in Merano
- Every Tuesday from 08:00 to 13:00.
- Clothes, shoes, leather goods, food such as bread, sausages, cheese, fish, fruit, vegetables.
- At Praderplatz
Farmers' market on Brunnenplatz in Obermais
- Every Wednesday from 07:00 to 13:00.
- Seasonal fresh vegetables and fruit, as well as regional farmers' products.
Farmers' market in Meinhardstraße
- Every Wednesday from 08:00 to 12:00.
- Seasonal fresh vegetables and fruit, as well as regional farmers' products.
Farmers' market in G.-Galilei-Straße
- Every Saturday from 08:00 to 12:00.
- Seasonal fresh vegetables and fruit, as well as regional farm products.
MM - Merano Market - Regionality & Sustainability
- Every Saturday from 09:00 to 13:00.
- Meat specialities, cheese, fruit, vegetables, bread and herbs.
- Freiheitsstraße, Sandplatz
Merano Christmas Market 2025
- ?
- Closed on 25th December
Vacation in South Tyrol
Bike routes
Discover the cycle paths around Bolzano, Merano, in the Vinschgau and Passeier Valley. South Tyrol offers over 400 km of cycle paths for families and sports enthusiasts.

Vinschgau-Val Venosta: Reschen to Merano
One of the most beautiful and diversified bike paths in the Alpine region.
Etschtal: Merano to Bolzano
The Apple Cycle Path connects Meran and Bozen with almost no incline.
Passeier Valley
The bike path winds its way into the Passeiertal valley on a gentle gravel trail, passing through orchards, vineyards, and a golf course, before continuing through meadows to St. Leonhard.